
博士班找指導教授 Dissertation Advisor of Ph.D. Student


1. 博士班研究生入學後第二學期結束前,必須找到論文指導教授,由指導教授負責其學業與研究之指導。



2. 論文指導教授必須是本系助理教授級()以上之專任或合聘教師。

3. 得設共同指導教授一名,其職級應至少相當於助理教授。

4. 如因研究需要,須由系外或校外之專任教師(教授或副教授、助理教授)擔任共同指導教授者,


5. 更換論文指導教授:

    (1) 畢業前一年不得更換指導教授。

    (2) 擬更換指導教授的學生,須經原指導教授與新指導教授書面同意,並向系辦公室報備。


Dissertation Supervisor

1. A student is required to have a dissertation supervisor before the end of the second semester after admission. Otherwise, an explanation form must be filled in before the start of the second year, and the student must give an oral explanation at the first academic committee meeting at the start of the second year. If the academic committee concludes that the student does not fit into the PhD program of the department, the student will be dismissed from the school.

2. The dissertation supervisor must be a full-time or a joint faculty member of the department with a rank of assistant professor or higher.

3. A students may apply to have a co-supervisor with a rank of assistant professor or higher.

4. Application for a co-supervisor from another department or another university can be made from the second semester of PhD studies onward. Only upon the approval by both the dissertation supervisor and the department chair shall the co-supervision begin.

5. Changing Dissertation Supervisor

(1) A student cannot change supervisor within one year before graduation.

(2) A student who would like to change supervisor must submit written agreements from both the current and the new supervisors to the department office for record.
