


This course covers TCP/IP network programming using UNIX sockets as the application program interface. The course emphasis on

  • An introduction to Network, OSI models and TCP/IP
  • UNIX network programming and sockets
  • TCP/UDP sockets and their example client-server programs
  • An introduction to Java socket and its functions
  • Case study and practice
  • Term project design and implementation



二、指定用書 (Text Book


三、參考書籍 (References

 1. UNIX Network Programming: The Sockets Networking APIs, Volume 1, Third Edition, www.unpbook.com

 2. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, II, III, by Comer and Stevens


四、授課老師 (Teacher

陳柏諭 講師


五、教學方式 (Teaching Method




 1. Introduction Network, OSI models, and TCP/IP

 2. UNIX network programming and sockets Introduction

 3. Elementary TCP Sockets and TCP Client-Server Example

 4. Elementary UDP Sockets and UDP Client-Server Example

 5. I/O Multiplexing and Socket Options

 6. Elementary Java Sockets and Example

 7. Case study



七、成績考核 (Grading

 1. In class behavior (10%)

 2. In class practice (20%)

 3. Mini Projects (40%)

 4. Final Term Project (30%)


八、課程連結綱址 (Web Links

